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Asset API Template Script

Asset API template scripts are flexible and versatile Python scripts that can be easily modified for the implementation of custom smart trading strategies, integration of trading preferences (Degrees of Freedom), interaction with the Settlement Market and other uses.

In this section, each script will be described along with its functionalities, in order of complexity.

Post bids and offers to the Grid Singularity Exchange

The key functionality of the Asset API is to post bids or offers to the Grid Singularity Exchange on behalf of energy asset owners based on their preferences. A template script can be found here.

Users need to list the names of the assets to be connected with the Asset API, as shown in the following example. For simulations launched from the user-interface (UI), the CONNECT_TO_ALL_ASSETS parameter is available. If set to True, the Asset API connects automatically to all the assets the aggregator is connected to.

# List of assets' names to be connected with the API
LOAD_NAMES = ["Load 1 L13", "Load 2 L21", "Load 3 L17"]
PV_NAMES = ["PV 1 (4kW)", "PV 3 (5kW)"]
STORAGE_NAMES = ["Tesla Powerwall 3"]


The goal of this template script is to send, at each market slot, a bid and/or an offer for each energy asset. This is performed by the post_bid_offer function, which loops through all the assets connected with the Asset API, extracts their required or available energy and posts these values along with an associated rate for clearance and settlement by the Grid Singularity Exchange. As shown in the snippet below, the process is separated for consumption, generation and storage assets.

def post_bid_offer(self):
   """Post a bid or an offer to the exchange."""
   for area_uuid, area_dict in self.latest_grid_tree_flat.items():
       asset_info = area_dict.get("asset_info")
       if not asset_info:

       # Consumption assets
       required_energy = asset_info.get("energy_requirement_kWh")
       if required_energy:
               asset_uuid=area_uuid, rate=10, energy=required_energy

       # Generation assets
       available_energy = asset_info.get("available_energy_kWh")
       if available_energy:
               asset_uuid=area_uuid, rate=10, energy=available_energy

       # Storage assets
       buy_energy = asset_info.get("energy_to_buy")
       if buy_energy:
               asset_uuid=area_uuid, rate=10, energy=buy_energy

       sell_energy = asset_info.get("energy_to_sell")
       if sell_energy:
               asset_uuid=area_uuid, rate=10, energy=sell_energy


Later in the script, the on_event_or_response is called. By default, the Asset API template does not perform any operation here but the user can add events. For instance, the user could record all the trades occurring in that event. Lastly, the script overwrites the on_finish event so that when this function is triggered, the script stops. If the user wishes to save any information reported in the logs, this can be done by exporting it to an external file.

def on_event_or_response(self, message):

def on_finish(self, finish_info):
   self.is_finished = True

The rest of the script is used to connect to the energy assets of a running simulation/collaboration/Canary Test Network, with the purpose of actively placing bids and offers on their behalf.

aggregator = Oracle(aggregator_name=ORACLE_NAME)
simulation_id = os.environ["API_CLIENT_SIMULATION_ID"]
domain_name = os.environ["API_CLIENT_DOMAIN_NAME"]
websockets_domain_name = os.environ["API_CLIENT_WEBSOCKET_DOMAIN_NAME"]
asset_args = {"autoregister": False, "start_websocket": False}
   registry = aggregator.get_configuration_registry()
   registered_assets = get_assets_name(registry)
   LOAD_NAMES = registered_assets["Load"]
   PV_NAMES = registered_assets["PV"]
   STORAGE_NAMES = registered_assets["Storage"]

def register_asset_list(asset_names: List, asset_params: Dict, asset_uuid_map: Dict) -> Dict:
   """Register the provided list of assets with the aggregator."""
   for asset_name in asset_names:
       print("Registered asset:", asset_name)
       uuid = get_area_uuid_from_area_name_and_collaboration_id(
           simulation_id, asset_name, domain_name
       asset_params["asset_uuid"] = uuid
       asset_uuid_map[uuid] = asset_name
       asset = RestAssetClient(**asset_params)
   return asset_uuid_map

print("Registering assets ...")
asset_uuid_mapping = {}
asset_uuid_mapping = register_asset_list(LOAD_NAMES + PV_NAMES + STORAGE_NAMES,
                                        asset_args, asset_uuid_mapping)
print("Summary of assets registered:")

# loop to allow persistence
while not aggregator.is_finished:

For simulations run in the backend, a similar script is available here.

Implement trading strategies

One of the main functionalities provided by the Asset API is to implement customized trading strategies. The Asset API script stores energy assets information such as the energy requirements for the loads, the energy available for the PVs and the State of Charge for the storage. This information when aggregated could be valuable when designing a smarter trading strategy. A template script can be found here.

At the beginning of the on_market_slot event, the script generates the trading strategies (in the build_strategies function). The Market Maker price and the Feed-in Tariff values are required to set the pricing boundaries for the trading strategy.

fit_rate = market_info["feed_in_tariff_rate"]
market_maker_rate = market_info["market_maker_rate"]
med_price = (market_maker_rate - fit_rate) / 2 + fit_rate

Then, the script creates the asset_strategy dictionary, which contains various information for each asset, such as its name, its type (load, PV or storage) and the grid fees between the assets and the market maker. To calculate the grid fees between two assets or markets in the grid, the calculate_grid_fee function is used,which takes 3 arguments:

  • start_market_or_asset_name: UUID of the started market/asset
  • target_market_or_asset_name: UUID of the targeted market/asset
  • fee_type: can either be "current_market_fee" or “last_market_fee”

The fees are integrated in the pricing strategy in order to avoid any power outages for the loads or PV curtailment.

for area_uuid, area_dict in self.latest_grid_tree_flat.items():
   if "asset_info" not in area_dict or area_dict["asset_info"] is None:
   self.asset_strategy[area_uuid] = {}
   self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["asset_name"] = area_dict["area_name"]
   ] = self.calculate_grid_fee(
       self.get_uuid_from_area_name("Market Maker"),

Lastly, in the asset_strategy dictionary, the pricing strategy is defined for each asset individually. This allows assets to have independent strategies depending on the available market information and their location in the grid.

The current pricing strategies are deterministic, representing a linear function bounded between the Feed-in Tariff - grid fee (lower boundary) and the Market Maker price + grid fee (upper boundary). Since the Asset API can post bids/offers at every tick, the number of posts is limited to the number of ticks in the market slot. In the template strategy, bids are ramped up and offers are ramped down for a total of 10 prices per energy asset. This can be configured by setting the TICK_DISPATCH_FREQUENCY_PERCENT parameter (at the top of the script). The final bid/offer price is set at 80% market slot completion in order for the update to be visible by all other market participants. The load strategy, the PV strategy and the storage strategy, representing assets that can charge and discharge and therefore place bids and offers at the same time, are designed as follows.

# Consumption strategy
if "energy_requirement_kWh" in area_dict["asset_info"]:
   load_strategy = []
   for tick in range(0, TICKS):
       if tick < TICKS - 2:
           buy_rate = (fit_rate -
                       self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["fee_to_market_maker"] +
                       (market_maker_rate +
                        2 * self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["fee_to_market_maker"] -
                        fit_rate) * (tick / TICKS)
           buy_rate = market_maker_rate + (
   self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["buy_rates"] = load_strategy

# Generation strategy
if "available_energy_kWh" in area_dict["asset_info"]:
   gen_strategy = []
   for tick in range(0, TICKS):
       if tick < TICKS - 2:
           sell_rate = (market_maker_rate +
                        self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["fee_to_market_maker"] -
                        (market_maker_rate +
                         2 * self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["fee_to_market_maker"] -
                         fit_rate) * (tick / TICKS)
           gen_strategy.append(max(0, sell_rate))
           sell_rate = fit_rate - (
           gen_strategy.append(max(0, sell_rate))
   self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["sell_rates"] = gen_strategy

# Storage strategy
if "used_storage" in area_dict["asset_info"]:
   batt_buy_strategy = []
   batt_sell_strategy = []
   for tick in range(0, TICKS):
       buy_rate = (fit_rate -
                   self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["fee_to_market_maker"] +
                   (med_price -
                    (fit_rate -
                    ) * (tick / TICKS)
       sell_rate = (market_maker_rate +
                    self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["fee_to_market_maker"] -
                    (market_maker_rate +
                     self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["fee_to_market_maker"] -
                     med_price) * (tick / TICKS)
   self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["buy_rates"] = batt_buy_strategy
   self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["sell_rates"] = batt_sell_strategy

At each on_tick event, the Asset API will post new bids and offers, or update / delete existing ones. This allows the Exchange SDK to update their price strategy until all consumption and generation have been traded. In the following lines the Exchange SDK updates the existing bids/offers with new prices to optimize trades. The updated energy information is found in latest_grid_tree_flat.items() and the prices for each bid/offer depend on the market slot progression. All the commands are then executed.

def post_bid_offer(self, rate_index=0):
   """Post a bid or an offer to the exchange."""
   for area_uuid, area_dict in self.latest_grid_tree_flat.items():
       asset_info = area_dict.get("asset_info")
       if not asset_info:

       # Consumption assets
       required_energy = asset_info.get("energy_requirement_kWh")
       if required_energy:
           rate = self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["buy_rates"][rate_index]
               asset_uuid=area_uuid, rate=rate, energy=required_energy

       # Generation assets
       available_energy = asset_info.get("available_energy_kWh")
       if available_energy:
           rate = self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["sell_rates"][rate_index]
               asset_uuid=area_uuid, rate=rate, energy=available_energy

       # Storage assets
       buy_energy = asset_info.get("energy_to_buy")
       if buy_energy:
           buy_rate = self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["buy_rates"][rate_index]
               asset_uuid=area_uuid, rate=buy_rate, energy=buy_energy

       sell_energy = asset_info.get("energy_to_sell")
       if sell_energy:
           sell_rate = self.asset_strategy[area_uuid]["sell_rates"][rate_index]
               asset_uuid=area_uuid, rate=sell_rate, energy=sell_energy


The rest of the script functionality has been covered in the previous section. For simulations run in the backend, a similar script is available here.

Introduce trading preferences with the Degrees of Freedom

With the Asset API, users also have the option to specify trading preferences for each asset, such as preferred trading partners, energy type, energy amount and rate. An example of such a script can be found here. These preferences are also known as requirements and attributes or “degrees of freedom”, as explained here.

Requirements are uploaded to the template script via a JSON file (an example can be found here), which has the following structure:

   "Load 3 L17":[
           "Trading Partners": ["PV 9 (15kW)"],
           "Energy Types": [],
           "Energy": "None",
           "Rate": "None"
   "Load 2 L21":[
           "Trading Partners": ["PV 5 (10kW)"],
           "Energy Types": [],
           "Energy": 10,
           "Rate": 3
   "Load 1 L13":[
           "Trading Partners": [],
           "Energy Types": [],
           "Energy": "None",
           "Rate": "None"

In this example it is shown how, for each load, the four above mentioned requirements are listed and specified in value. It is also possible not to set any specific requirement to an asset, as for Load 1 L13. If, for example, “Energy” and “Rate” are set to None, the default energy and rate values from the template trading strategies are assigned. At each market slot, the Asset API loads and reads the information contained in this JSON file with the following function:

def read_requirements(self):
   """Load the JSON file containing the list of requirements for each asset."""
   with open(
       os.path.join(module_dir, "resources/requirements.json"),
   ) as file:
       self.degrees_of_freedom = json.load(file)

Subsequently, a bid with the associated requirements is posted to the Exchange (for more on how to post bids and offers please see here.) The requirements uploaded through the JSON file must be converted to the correct format ahead of submission to the Exchange. To do so, the build_requirements_dict function is used:

def build_requirements_dict(self, rate, energy, area_name):
   """Return a dictionary with the requirements of the asset."""
   asset_dof_list = self.degrees_of_freedom[area_name]
   for asset_dof in asset_dof_list:
       id_trading_partners_list = get_partner_ids(asset_dof["Trading Partners"])
       energy_types_list = asset_dof["Energy Types"]
       energy_requirement = (
           if asset_dof["Energy"] == "None"
           else min(asset_dof["Energy"], energy)
       rate_requirement = (
           rate if asset_dof["Rate"] == "None" else asset_dof["Rate"]
       requirements = [
               "trading_partners": id_trading_partners_list,
               "energy_type": energy_types_list,
               "energy": energy_requirement,
               "price": rate_requirement * energy_requirement,
   return requirements

The rest of the script functionality has been covered in the previous section. It is important to note that currently there is no available template script for introducing degrees of freedom from the UI, but solely from the backend.

Send live data to a Canary Test Network

As noted here, the Asset API has the functionality to send live data to Grid Singularity Canary Test Network. A template script can be found here. To do so, at each market slot, forecast for the next 15 minutes are sent through the following function:

def send_forecasts(self, market_info):
   """Send forecasts of the next market slot to the exchange."""
   forecast_market_slot = (
       from_format(market_info["market_slot"], DATE_TIME_FORMAT)
   # pylint: disable=unused-variable
   for area_uuid, area_dict in self.latest_grid_tree_flat.items():
       asset_info = area_dict.get("asset_info")
       if not asset_info:

       # Consumption assets
       if "energy_requirement_kWh" in asset_info:
           asset_name = area_dict["area_name"]
               energy_forecast_kWh={forecast_market_slot: 1.2},

       # Generation assets
       if "available_energy_kWh" in asset_info:
           asset_name = area_dict["area_name"]
               energy_forecast_kWh={forecast_market_slot: 0.86},

The forecast_market_slot, namely the marker slot at which the forecasted value is sent, is first retrieved by the market_info dictionary. Then, the set_energy_forecast function is used to send consumption / generation forecasted values to the Grid Singularity Exchange. In this example, 1.2 kWh are sent as consumption forecasts and 0.86 kWh are sent as generation forecasts.

The rest of the script functionality has been covered in the previous section.

Post energy deviations in the Settlement Market

Finally, the Asset API can also be used to post energy deviations between forecasts (namely the values of consumption or generation that an asset was expected to consume or produce) and measurements (namely the actual consumption or generation values) in the Settlement Market. A template script can be found here.

As noted in the previous section, users can send forecasts (generated by assets or other data source) to the Grid Singularity Exchange by using the Asset API. To settle energy deviations in the Settlement Market, further action is needed, which is to send measurements to the Exchange at each market slot by using the following function:

def send_measurements(self, market_info):
   """Send measurements for the current market slot to the exchange."""
   # pylint: disable=unused-variable
   for area_uuid, area_dict in self.latest_grid_tree_flat.items():
       if "asset_info" not in area_dict or area_dict["asset_info"] is None:
       # Consumption assets
       if "energy_requirement_kWh" in area_dict["asset_info"]:
               energy_measurement_kWh={market_info["market_slot"]: 1.23},
       # Generation assets
       if "available_energy_kWh" in area_dict["asset_info"]:
               energy_measurement_kWh={market_info["market_slot"]: 0.87},

As shown in the snippet above, set_energy_measurement is used to send values to the Exchange which, in this example, are sent to the current market slot.

Later, in settle_energy_deviation, the Asset API computes the difference between the forecast and measured values, called in the script unsettled_deviation. Depending on whether this value is positive or negative, a bid or an offer will be posted in the Settlement Market. The rate, as well as the time slot for order placement can be arbitrarily set by the user. Below is the snippet of the described function:

def settle_energy_deviations(self):
   """Post the energy deviations between forecasts
   and measurements in the Settlement market."""
   for area_uuid, area_dict in self.latest_grid_tree_flat.items():
       if not area_dict.get("asset_info"):
       time_slot = (
       unsettled_deviation = area_dict["asset_info"][
       if unsettled_deviation > 0:
       if unsettled_deviation < 0:

The rest of the script functionality has been covered in the previous section. It is important to note that currently there is no available template script for interacting with the Settlement Market from the UI, but solely from the backend.

The next step is to adapt the Asset API template scripts developed by Grid Singularity to customize your trading strategies, whether to send live data to the Grid Singularity Canary Test Network or to interact with the Settlement Market.