Energy bills

The cumulative energy bills for each market and energy asset are reported on the UI Results page and in a JSON file bills.json for a backend simulation. The bills are reported as the cash flow through each market.


Figure 2.18: Example grid setup showing connection to the grid.

This configuration is simulated for one day using the Pay-as-Bid market type and the load bidding to buy energy at 12:00, leading to the propagation of the load bid and the grid operator offer until they are matched as shown in the figure below:


Figure 2.19: Example grid setup showing connection to the grid.

The bid and the offer are forwarded to the higher-level Grid market and are matched in this market with a clearing price (and trade price) of €0.45. For more information on how grid fees are calculated, please read the grid fees documentation.

In the bills.json file, the cash flow in each market is reported as follows:

"Parent market": { "Agent": { "bought": Energy that has been bought during the simulation [kWh], "sold": Energy that has been sold during the simulation [kWh], "spent": Amount of money that has been spent in trades during the simulation [€] , "earned": Amount of money that has been earned in trades during the simulation [€], "total_energy": energy bought - energy sold [kWh], "total_cost": money spent in trades - money earned in trades [€], "market_fee": Money spent in the "Parent area" as grid fees [€] , "type": Type of agent. Can either be a market or the name of the asset strategy }, },

Shown below are the results of the previous example. The first set of results is from the highest market, in this case the Grid market:


Figure 2.20: Example of bills results in the Grid level.

In the Grid market, House 1 has bought 1 kWh from the Gris and spent €0.375 for this trade. House 1 also pays the €0.075 grid fee that the Grid market is charging. The total cost of 1 kWh of energy is €0.375 + €0.075 = €0.45

One level down the hierarchy, the House 1 market is displayed in the figure below:

The House 1 market has no information on the other markets’ grid fees, so only considers its own fees in the bills table. Therefore, the Load spends €0.45 (€0.0375 + €0.075) for 1 kWh of energy that is externally supplied to House 1, with no grid fee added since House 1 has no fees.


Figure 2.21: Example of bills results in the House 1 level.

Finally, the bills of each energy asset are shown:


Figure 2.22: Example of bills for all assets in the configuration.