Assets Configuration Overview

There are four different types of energy assets a user can currently configure when modelling energy communities on Grid Singularity’s web-based simulation user interface, the Singularity Map - solar panels (PVs), consumption (load) profiles, batteries (storages) and heat pumps. Each simulated community can consist of at least two participating members (homes representing households, buildings or other community members) and up to 1000 digital agents representing assets and/or homes. Simulation users can model an energy community quickly by adding template homes and assets using the express options, or they can configure the technical details and trading parameters by exploring the advanced options for each asset. Each asset within a community can trade energy with other assets, as well as with the external suppliers via grid network (also termed the grid market). By default, assets shall buy/sell energy locally, interacting with their neighbours, and only in case of any gaps in the local market (either caused by insufficient energy production / consumption in the community, or by inefficient or not affordable trading settings), purchase the energy from the external energy supplier (usually a utility). Trading occurs in market slots, which are by default 15-minute time slots in which energy assets can exchange energy at market rates. The market slot length can be changed by a user to reflect the spot market length of any region of the world. Users can set custom market rates based on a smart trading algorithm that can be applied to any asset, or use default rates when adding assets to their communities, with the latter conditioned upon the provided Market Maker (utility) rate and any applicable feed-in-tariff.