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Data Requirements and File Upload Format

Users who would like to model a local energy market (an energy community participating in peer-to-peer trading) in the Grid Singularity Exchange using their own data instead of the template (synthetic) data need to collect the following information, usually for at least one-month or one-week period in at least two seasons:

  • Grid topology: a diagram or a brief description of the location of community members and their energy assets and/or any other available assets for community supply like wind turbines and community PV
  • Energy assets specifications: Disaggregated data (not net metre) is recommended to efficiently connect and measure performance, provided ideally at 15-minute interval, as csv files (upload format described below) for each of the assets (if not available, home/building metre data can be provided) together with complementary information, as follows:
    • Consumption (Load Profile)
      • Name (can be anonymous, e.g. Load1) and location
      • Energy consumed per time interval by each asset/home in kWh
    • PV (Solar panel)
      • Name (can be anonymous, e.g. PV1) and location
      • Energy produced per time interval by each PV in kWh and/or
      • PV capacity in kW, including tilt and azimuth
    • Wind
      • Name (can be anonymous, e.g. Wind1) and location
      • Energy produced per time interval by each wind turbine in kWh
    • Storage (Battery)
      • Name (can be anonymous, e.g. Battery1) and location
      • Capacity in kWh
      • Charge / discharge power in kW (time series)
      • Maximum charge/discharge power in kW
      • Minimum SOC in % and/or actual SOC in time series (optional)
    • Heat Pumps
      • Name (can be anonymous, e.g. HP1) and location
      • Maximum power rating (based on nameplate)
      • Volume of thermal storage tank if applicable (based on nameplate)
      • Minimum and maximum comfort temperature
      • Heat demand of the homes/building in kWh per time interval
      • Heat pump water tank temperature (time series profile)
      • Ambient temperature profile to configure the heat pump performance
  • Grid Market Pricing Information
    • Feed-in-tariff
    • Conventional (utility) energy price (profile) per community member
    • Grid tariffs (fixed value or profile)
  • Market Mechanism Data: User, simulating the role of community manager, selects preferred buying and selling prices (default setting to buy at the best available price between utility and fee-in-tariff rate) based on a pay-as-bid mechanism (other mechanisms in development).

For the upload format, Grid Singularity Exchange currently only supports Comma Separated Values files (.csv).

Comma Separated Values (.csv)

The separation can be done by comma , or semicolon ;.

Two time formats are supported, see below. All entered csv data values need to be positive





