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Grid Operator API Events

Market Information

The Grid Operator API receives information concerning the markets that it manages. Different metrics are shared through the API :

  • Minimum, median, average and maximum trade price [€/kWh]
  • Total energy volume traded [kWh]
  • Self-sufficiency / self-consumption [%]
  • Import / Export [kWh]
  • Current market fee [cents/kWh]
  • Next market fee [cents/kWh]
  • Market fee revenue [cents]

Interaction with the running exchange

As explained above the Grid Operator API function is triggered at the start of each market slot. Here is one example:


  1. At the end of the 12:45 market slot, the Grid Operator API function on_market_cycle is triggered.
  2. The Grid Operator agent receives a nested dictionary with information from the last market slot, including the grid tree (12:45-13:00).
  3. Based on these inputs, the agent script sets a new grid fee for the markets it manages.
  4. The grid fees sent during the 13:00 will be applied for the 13:15 market slot.

API Events

In the Grid Operator there are 3 events that are triggered while a simulation is running.

Each new market slot

def on_market_cycle(self, market_info):

As shown in the schematic above, this event triggered at the start of every market slot. When a new market slot is created the API receives the market_info, containing market information and the code within the script event is executed.

On event or response

def on_event_or_response(self, message):

In this event, the API receives a message for every event (on_market_cycle) or response for each commands (e.g. submitting new grid fees)

On finish

def on_finish(self, finish_info):

This event is triggered when the simulation/collaboration finishes. Within that function, information stored during the simulation could potentially be exported for further analysis.